

 January 26-28, 2026 in Los Angeles, CA

Formation Through Connection

A time for leaders to be inspired, refreshed, and equipped as they build cultures of formation in the local church.


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We’re being formed by the communal God. It’s time we explore spiritual formation as a relational process. 

Join us January 26 - 28 online or in Los Angeles, CA, to participate in a learning community seeking to move beyond ideas about spiritual formation and into implementation.

January 26-28, 2026

Gather and Watch Online

Tune in with your church leadership team, learning and reflecting with your community.

Attend at Vintage Church, LA

Join us in person and learn alongside leaders from a variety of church contexts.

 Pastor’s Story

“The Pastors Conference gave me tools and excitement for what could be and what God can be continuing to do. I love how it focused on our own spiritual lives, not just our responsibility to pastor and shepherd our congregations….I was able to hear all of the stories about how people are [incorporating the Practices].”

— Ali Tsang, Living Hope Community Church in Silicon Valley, CA