
A pathway for
apprenticeship to Jesus


The modern church is facing a crisis of discipleship.

It’s not that people don’t want to become like Jesus, or that people aren’t trying to become like Jesus.
It’s that we don’t know how to become like Jesus.

We need a pathway to formation for the modern era.

To that end, we’ve created free resources to help your community be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did.

  • Introducing the Scripture Practice

    In a world of hurry, confusion, and compromise, Scripture is a portal to meet with God and be formed by him.

  • The Lectio Bible

    The Lectio Bible

    A beautiful, distraction-free Bible for reading slowly and prayerfully in the presence of Jesus.

  • The Course

    An eight-session introduction to spiritual formation

  • The Practices

    Nine core spiritual disciplines designed to help integrate the habits of Jesus into your daily life

  • Spiritual Health Reflection

    A tool to help you gauge your inner life with God and name Jesus’ invitations to you — not just once, but over time.

  • The Book

    John Mark’s best work on spiritual formation rolled into one short, easily readable book

  • Rule of Life Builder

    Create practices and rhythms patterned after Jesus and tailored to you and your community

  • Podcasts

    Long-form conversations with luminaries of spiritual formation

  • Explore All Resources

Start your journey in community.

Our resources are meant to be used in community – the place where deeply ingrained ways of living are repatterned in the way of Jesus, as we collectively adopt his practices.


01 Sign Up

Create a free account to gain access to all our resources.

02 Run a Resource

Choose any of our resources to learn, practice, and reflect within your community.

03 Create a Rule of Life

Create a tailored set of rhythms centered around Jesus with our Rule of Life builder.

04 Keep Growing

Continue your journey with a wide range of companion resources, including interactive tools, podcasts, books, and more.


Join thousands of communities practicing the Way of Jesus.



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Resources run


Churches using resources


Our resources are 100% free, thanks to people like you.

We’re a crowdfunded ministry helping thousands of churches integrate spiritual formation into their communities. You can be a part of it by joining The Circle, our community of monthly givers, or by making a one-time gift.

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